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Supporting Trans and Non-Binary Loved Ones - an Online Program with Nolan Pike

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Supporting Trans and Non-Binary Loved Ones - an Online Program with Nolan Pike

This program is designed to help cis-gender individuals gain a better understanding of the barriers faced by their trans and non-binary loved ones. The program is suited to anyone who has a trans or non-binary partner, friend, or family member and wants to be a supportive cis-gender ally.


Through online learning and discussion, participants will learn to be as supportive as possible to the trans and non-binary people they care about, and why this support matters. The program will help to clarify terminology, clear up common myths and misconceptions, and explain why trans inclusive space, language, and practices can have such a profound impact. 

The self-guided learning is a general primer to have a shared understanding but in the follow-up group session, we will dig deeper. There will be opportunities to ask, clarify and share, toward applying the learning to support the trans people in our lives. Nolan works to create a safe space to ask difficult questions. Consensual, permission-based and privacy practices will be used and are an important part of the learning.* 

Online program outline:

January 10, 2022 from 3-4pm          Introductions and community guidelines  

January 11 - 30, 2022                   Individual self-guided video learning (approx. 1.5-2 hours)

January 31, 2021 from 3-4:30pm   Follow up group discussion 


*A note about privacy and confidentiality: This group is designed for cis-gender folks who would like a better understanding of how to support the trans people they care about. One of the things we will learn is how important it is to respect the privacy of trans people. Outing trans people without their consent can cause great harm. For this reason, within the group we ask that participants use only their first names. We should also do our best to not use the names of the trans people in our lives, instead naming our loved ones as “my child,” “my sibling,” “my partner,” “my friend” in discussion. Understanding that mistakes and slip ups can happen we ask that all participants keep any details shared in the group confidential. All active participation in this group is optional. If you would like to attend, but for whatever reason do not feel comfortable turning on your camera, sharing any personal details, or participating verbally, please do not let that stop you from joining the group. 

Program Cost

True Program Cost - $185 includes tuition for online program.

Barrier-reduced Program Cost 1 - $100 includes tuition for online program. This is made possible through grant funds and donations.

Barrier-reduced Program Cost 2 - $50 includes tuition for online program. This is made possible through grant funds and donations.

Generous Program - $235 (true program cost plus $50) Your generous donation supports others to attend. You will receive a charitable donation receipt for your support.


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Nolan Pike (he/him) is a queer and transgender writer, educator, and consultant. Over the last ten years, Nolan has worked with public and private schools, post-secondary institutions, businesses large and small, health care facilities, not-for-profit organizations, branches of government and more. He provides online and in-person training, consults on policy, and works with organizations to understand and address the 2SLGBTQ+ equity issues present within their spaces and practices.  Nolan is passionate about creating fun and engaging learning environments that produce lasting change and inspire action. 

Program Support: Lee Fleming (she/her) Lee is both the Marketing & Programming Coordinator, and the Bookkeeper at Tatamagouche Centre. She loves working at the Centre for a multitude of reasons, but at the heart of it, she believes in the Centre’s capacity to catalyze transformational change. Lee has a long background in publishing, editing, writing, music, film/video, festival organizing, financial administration and political activism. She was honoured to be the Grand Marshal at the 25th PEI Pride event in 2019.

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